Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I have joined... Weight Watchers!!!! Woo-Hoo

We all have sat there post holiday face stuffing, facing the new year and realized I need to make a change. Well I was careful about what I ate over the holidays but I still had that glutinous feeling that I gained 20lbs. (although that is a drastic over-exaggeration, it was more like 2) Never the less I do need to make a change and I keep saying that but I am sick of just saying, so now I am going to do! Do do do do do. So I have decided to step into the resolution cliche club! I am planning to lose weight this year, at a slow steady pace and luckily I have my mother by my side.

We have both joined Weight Watchers. My mother, back around 2000 lost about 30lbs from Weight Watchers and she was able to keep it off for years. At that time I was swimming almost year round so dieting like that was not a concern for me. But now, let me tell you I have to get on that train!

Here are the details in case anyone wants to try or learn more. So I started Monday January, 2nd 2012. I signed up for a 3 month plan, I am allowed 38 points per day (which will decrease slightly with weight loss). I also have 49 weekly points which can be used throughout the week if I go over my daily points. This program is what is called "Points Plus." All of the Jennifer Hudson adds you see on tv and magazines has been advertising this program. ( Side note: it's great she lost all that weight but now she just seems cocky and I am sick of seeing her it's annoying, get someone new!)The Points Plus Plan is unique because it fallows your habbits, tracks your weight loss and creates the proper plan from your statistics, not to mention it helps keep you motivated. I am only on day three, but I am feeling good about it. My mother has had a lot of trouble with weight loss and sticking to plans like this so I think working side by side to make meals and push each other is just what we need to suceed.

If you are lost in the world of fad diets and slim quick scams then look up diets that have a good track record, reviews and see the real people testimonials that will help inspire you. I highly recommed working with someone to get through weight loss if you haved had trouble in the past. If you are like me and most of your friends are fairly trim or look great, turning to a family member is wonderful as well.  If you would rather just keep things private or you don't have anyone close to you that is looking into weight loss, support groups like the ones Weight Watchers has is a great alternative.

The biggest issue is motivation, I have read many books and did a lot of research on different diets. What it comes down to is... Everyone is different, very different, and fad diets work for some people. Pills, the Atkins  Diet, Jenny Craig, all of these diets have worked for someone. We are all vastly different, what may work for me may not necessarily work for someone else. I have struggled enough through my weight loss issues, gaining and losing from various methods as I have said before. I am going to cross my fingers and hope that this one sticks!

This is what the Weight Watchers Plan Manager looks like, it keeps track of everything you need for easy access and to help you stay on track! I love it!

Just made this Rigatoni with roasted red peppers, peas, mushrooms and turkey sausage last night it was so yummy and only 11 points for a decent serving size!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I Have Returned!!!!

I have returned like a phoenix rising from the ashes!!! On a less dramatic level I have decided to change the forum of my blog. Over my yo-yo diets and mixed results I have realized that keeping up with my blog was just as up and down as my dieting. I wish I could say that I am a girl who wont have to diet for the rest of my life, but unfortunately I am exactly that girl. As long as I watch my portion sizes and exercise regularly the weight loss will come gradually and I am going to continue to work hard to reach my goals.

I have been throwing my body into a tailspin with the crazed amount of dieting and then completely falling off the wagon. Luckily, I come to my senses before I gain all of my weight back but I am still not happy with the way I look, as most women aren’t (if you are though good for you, I envy you).

The one thing I do love and always will is my curves.  I always get compliments on my hourglass figure but I know secretly all of those kind people are thinking the same thing I am…If I was little bit smaller hour glass that would be even better!

I get it now, I need to love me while trying to make improvements along the way. I think I fell short with my “weight loss only” blog because the subject was limiting. I am Graphic Designer and Artist and not expressing that part of me in my blog was making me lose interest. So like I said before I am changing the forum of my blog.

I am going to focus on loving my curvy figure and myself. I want to share my life experiences, my favorite things and of coarse weight loss. I feel like this way my blog will portray who I am better and maybe help others, like myself, find the confidence or advice they may need to live a happy and healthy life. No matter what size or shape you may be I hope this blog speaks to you and if it is still lacking a little something then send me an e-mail and give me your feedback. I can't wait to make my next post!

Stay Happy and Healthy Curvy Goddesses!



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day, It's a New Life for Me....and I'm Feeling...Good!"

Good Morning to all, Happy Hump Day!

Today I would like to discuss the importance of Vitamins! Most people don't give the generic Multi-Vitamins they shove in their mouth everyday a second thought..

"Vitamins are good for you therefore who cares what is inside of them!"

Well, I happen to have a family who are obsessed with vitamins, everyone has something different which is specific to their needs. The reason I am focusing on vitamins is because it promotes a healthier lifestyle and in many cases it can assist you in losing weight.

Here are some important choices, especially for women...

Hair, Skin and Nail Heath
Found in foods such as oatmeal and soy, Biotin, a water soluble B vitamin, assists in energy metabolism in cells. Biotin is essential for the intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.In addition, Biotin helps to support healthy skin, hair and nails.This retails at $6.99 which is great for all its benefits!


The Cleaner

 Helps Remove Waste Pounds
While this is not considered a vitamin, the all natural veggie compound helps shed excess weight due to blockage in the intestinal track. I am going to try this one before I head to the beach in August, but it had great reviews. The Cleaner is a Powerful, Comfortable, East, Fast Acting All-in-One Formula. It is a powerful total internal cleansing support system. It includes organ and parasite cleansing in easy to swallow capsules. After use of the Cleaner, clothes may fit loosely in the stomach area due to the elimination of waste.The Cleaner is fast and powerful yet gentle enough to allow you to travel, work and continue your normal routine. This retails for $14.99 and is meant to last for the 7-day period.

Multi-Vitamin Packs

These are the mecca of Multi-Vitamins, instead of just one pill that is supposed to give us our necessary vitamins for the day, Naturemade offers packs of vitamins. If you have trouble swallowing pills, this is not nor you. But otherwise these daily packs offer you twice what normal single capsule vitamins offer. I can personally say that these packs make me feel much better day-to-day than just one regular multi-vitamin, but everyone is different... Retail is $11.79 at your local Target!

  • Provides nutritional support for breast, bone, immune and heart health
  • Features the B Vitamins to help maintain energy levels
 Nature Made Women's Pack is guaranteed to meet our high quality standards – it is made from carefully selected ingredients under strict manufacturing processes.
  • No Artificial Color or Flavors
  • No Preservatives
  • No Yeast or Gluten

Weight Management

Glucomannan (Konjac Root)

Dietary source of fiber(from Konjac Root) to help maintain blood glucose levels already within the normal range. In some studies, glucomannan has helped improve glucose tolerance.
Basically it makes you full so that you are not craving food all day long and for someone like me, sitting in the office all day it is a lifesaver and helps along with a proper diet. No eating cheeseburgers everyday on this ladies! This retails at $9.99 at you local Vitamin Shoppe but it can be found in any drug store.

Stress Relief
Yogi Tea

Although this is not a multi-vitamin of some kind it is packed with herbs and vitamins to help ease stress and anxiety. In fact, doctors often prescribe this tea along with medication to people with actual stress or anxiety disorders. In most cases I would run to a very large wine glass of pinot noir after a stressful day, maybe even week haha. But for the case of dieting that is not the best option so this Yogi tea is a great substitute, it won't get you drunk but it will give you a euphoric sense of calm... Good enough for me! This retails at $4.49 at most drugstores.

So there you have it! Some essentials for many different situations. Visit the Vitaminshoppe website and click on the vitamins and supplements tab and then choose the option to look up supplements according to your health concerns. I find it helpful to always check the rating and read some reviews from customers.

Happy Dieting!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Okay, So its been a few months since I have taken the time to write on this blog and I am sad about it. I kind of fell off the wagon so to speak with my eating habits. My workout habits have not changed however, so I have been able to maintain my current weight with a little fluctuation.

For those of you who don't know I graduated from college with a degree Graphic Design in December of 2010. The obvious sucky job market caused me to work at Pier 1 Imports. I was pretty much their work horse, I am pretty strong so I spent most of my shifts there moving furniture, unloading 30 foot trucks of merchandise at 6am and moving heavy displays all around the store. As you can imagine this, along with standing all day helped keep me in shape along with my workout regimen.

Everything has changed in the past few weeks. Due to my schedule at Pier1 I didn't have time to plan meals or sit down and type on my blog because my schedule was so inconsistent. Now I have and Administrative Assistant job for one of the larger General Contracting companies in my region and I work Monday- Friday 8am- 4:30pm. It's early for me, something I am not use to but I love that I know what to expect and I can plan everything accordingly in my schedule, not to mention I have weekends free now which is amazing. The down time in the office gives me a chance to write on this blog again!!

I am no longer making barely above minimum wage and although this job is not in my field of study, it's a start and I love this grown-up feeling I have coming to the office everyday.

I currently reside in Baltimore where I went to school and where Pier 1 was located. Now I am working closer to my parents house and I have decided in order to pay off some debt and student loans I am going to move home with my parents for a little while until I save up enough money to either buy a house or rent a nice apartment. I feel a little lame doing this but many people I know have done the same not to mention studies show that in this current economy over 89% of recent college grads move back to their parents house.

But anyway on to the dieting. I have been reading a lot on diets, nutrition and over all general health. I hope that these big changes in my life along with some newly acquired knowledge will help me get back on the horse to my ultimate weight loss goals. I hope that my insight can help others who come across my blog as well!

Happy Dieting!

(I missed my little tag line hahaha)

My sister Sara and I at our Friend Cristen's recent wedding. My dress is from which has prefect clothing for curvy women. I am obsessed!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 17 There are gaps...I know, I am stressed

So I have not been as consistent lately with my blogging and dieting for that matter. It is so hard for a strict diet to coincide with life when you are surrounded by others who eat and do as they please. Some of my friends are dieting, it has be helpful to talk with them about my woes with my diet. However, there are more people in my life who aren't dieting, and certainly don't need to. I have been very wrapped up these past few days with events like bridal showers, birthdays, fundraisers and many others... not to mention a few very important people in my life have birthdays coming up. Sadly between the stress of bills and trying to be a part of these events y diet is yet again falling by the wayside. It is discouraging and upsetting to me but all I can do is keep on trucking. My friends Hailie, Katrin and I have set a goal for April 11th to lose 10lbs. If we succeed then we get one cute outfit for ourselves and go out for a night on the town. This has also been a lot of motivation for me.

So this morning I woke up late but I still had a few hours to get a workout in before I go in for my shift at work so I had some oatmeal and raspberries and headed to the gym. I was pissed to find out that I had been going to the gym for over a week now and no one who works there bothered to stop me to let me know my account balance had a late fee tacked onto it. I was of coarse pissed, I had my credit card stolen at work a few weeks ago, so I canceled the card and ordered a new one. In the meantime I gave someone at their finance office my account routing number so that the fees could be taken out directly and they lady I spoke to said everything was good. Well, apparently it wasn't because a month later I am now trying to pay a balance which has a bunch of late fees tacked on, I was pissed but luckily we had it sorted out. But that put me in a fowl mood and I only ended up doing 40 minutes of cardio and leaving. But I just did my 1 hour pilates video and I feel much better. I am going to make some tilapia and asparagus for a late lunch and pack a nice chicken salad to eat at work. The stress is building with all the things I have going on but at least working out helps take some of that away.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 16 Home Visiting

I am marking today as day 14 only reason being is that I didn't have time to workout yesterday and I didn't eat between the hours of 5am-3pm and then blew it all away when I ate Chipotle when I took my brother and sister to the movies. Grils Night Out with all of my girlfriends (minus Brittany) was so much fun! It was wonderful only paying 7$ for the ticket, having 4 differnet cocktails thmemed according to the boutique, food  and limo rides to each store and we got to go shopping!!! It was a much needed event with my loves athough those little snacks and cocktails didn't really fit into my diet.

Today I woke up at Hailie's after a wonderful night and came home, I decided to make a mexican chicken salad and although some of the ingredients are more fattening then I should have I am okay with it because it is already noon. I am going to spend the day relaxing and enjoying the day with my family.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 15 Feeling an Itch for Chocolate

Went to the gym really early this morning it feels good to be done early so I have some of the day to look forward to although I work until late and then turn around and work at 6am on Thursday morning. I just had some lovely oatmeal with frozen raspberries on top which I put in the oatmeal halfway through its microwave cycle. It was so yummy and had just the right amount of bitter are sweet flavors plus it made the oatmeal pink! I am most likely going to have a grilled chicken salad for lunch and I am packing a shrimp and spinach wrap with mango salsa and some sliced apples with peanut butter for a desert/ side dish. I hate working until close because I either have to eat really late or starve so I need to start packing dinners or myself.

Last night I made some yummy shrimp and Hawaiian stir fry with half of a baked potato, no salt or butter. It was so good combining the stir fry with the potato...

Of coarse it is getting close to that time of the month so I have seriously been craving chocolate so I am going to have a little bit of sugar free jello chocolate pudding and do some research for more low calorie chocolate desserts in an upcoming post.